What has equestrian training taught me about how to guide a victorious ride through the darkness of adversity that you should also know? Without the proper skills achieving happiness and success will be difficult. Without the proper skills conquering adversity will be almost impossible.
Let’s begin 2021 with one strategy from the OPERATION ATTITUDE TRAINING PLAN.
Fear Is Normal; Lack of Awareness Will Kill You.
I learned this lesson from unpleasant experiences such as managing to stay on my childhood Shetland pony while she galloped uncontrollably around the pasture, trying to mount an agitated horse that would not stand still, several unexpected dismounts, almost being crashed into several times by another out of control rider, and dangers associated with tripping, spinning, bolting, kicking, rearing, biting, and getting stepped on. Two lives are at stake during every ride.
How does this Perspective Strategy apply to your life?
The greatest adversity people face is fear: fear of the unexpected, the unknown, and the unseen. Do not beat yourself up for feeling scared; fear is a normal human emotion.
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the things you think you cannot do. -- Eleanor Roosevelt
The best way to increase your odds of surviving a terrifying and unpredictable situation is to learn to control your emotions and be ready to move swiftly. You have to be able to act and react quickly as everything around you is rapidly shifting and changing.
Please remember: When you’re trapped in darkness, and you can’t see light at the end of your tunnel, be the light. Our world needs what only you have to offer!